November 6, 2011

Spiritual Snobbishness

A man walked in to a doctor's office and said, "Doctor, I have this awful headache that never leaves me. Could you give me something for it?" 
"I will," said the doctor, "But I want to check a few things out first. Tell me, do you drink a lot of liquor?"
"I never touch the filthy stuff," said the man indignantly.
"How about smoking?"
"I think smoking is disgusting. I've never in my life touched tobacco."
"I'm a bit embarrassed to ask this, know the way some men you do any running around at night?"
"Of course not. What do you take me for? I'm in bed every night by ten o'clock at the latest."
"Tell me," said the doctor, "this pain in the head you speak of, is it a sharp, shooting kind of pain?"
"Yes," said the man. "That's it - a sharp, shooting kind of pain."
"Simple my dear fellow! Your trouble is you have your halo on a bit too tight."

Adapted from Anthony de Mello's 'The Pray of the Frog'
Corinne has a beautiful post here:

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